Christmas Corner

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
- Norman Vincent Peale

He who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree.
- Charlotte Carpenter

Christmas has lost its meaning for us because we have lost the spirit of expectancy. We cannot prepare for an observance. We must prepare for an experience.
- Handel H. Brown

Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.
- Janice Maeditere

Baked Turkey Recipe

1 turkey, 12-13 pounds
1 stick of butter, sliced thinly
1/2 cup vegetable oil
4 cloves large garlic, crushed
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper


Step 1:
Preheat oven 350ºF.

Step 2:
Remove any parts stuffed in turkey cavity, then clean and rinse the cavity. Place turkey in a large roasting pan. Gently insert slices of butter under the skin that covers the breasts, thighs and drumsticks. Using a paper towel, brush oil and crushed garlic over the turkey, and season with salt and pepper. Tie the legs together and then cover the bird with aluminum foil.

Step 3:
Bake for 4 hours, or about 20 minutes per pound. (Use our turkey calculators if needed). Meat thermometer should read 165°F. when inserted into the thigh. Remove foil during last 30 minutes of cooking, baste with drippings in the pan. When the skin has browned, remove from oven and let rest for a few minutes before carving.